Landlords who want to achieve good rental returns should have a regular maintenance schedule to ensure their property remains in good condition.
This is also a matter of necessity due to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act.
This legislation requires that at the start of a tenancy, a residential property should be clean and fit for a tenant to live in and that the premises and inclusions are in good repair. This obligation extends throughout the term of the tenancy.
Additionally, as a property ages so does it’s inclusions. Property inclusions come with a ‘standard life expectancy’, and this can be taken into consideration should a matter with a tenant require escalation to Tribunal, as consideration for depreciation is often applied.
Landlords must be prepared to commit to an ongoing maintenance schedule and any ongoing costs associated with this.
Below is a list of some property inclusions and their ‘standard life expectancy’ and their recommended maintenance schedule.
Paint – Internal | 10 years | Recommend Repaint after 10 years |
Paint – External | 10 years | Recommend Repaint after 10 years |
Roof – ColourBond | 70 years | Gutter Clean & Inspection – 12-24 months, Repair / Replace as needed |
Roof – Tiled | 50 – 60 years | Restoration approx. 10-15 years |
Termite Barrier (Chemical) |
8 – 10 years | Visual Inspection – Annually (warranty), Replenishment – 8-10 years |
Termite Barrier (Physical) |
20 years | Visual Inspection – Annually (warranty), Replace as needed |
Timber Deck | 10 – 15 years | Oil / Refinish – 12-24 months, Repair / Replace as needed |
Carpet | 10 years | Professional Cleaning – 24 months, Repair / Replace as needed |
Blinds | 10 – 20 years | Service – Annually, Repair / Replace as needed |
Silicone (Wet Areas) |
10 – 15 years | Replacement every 12-24 months |
Hot Water System | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Stove | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Oven | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Rangehood | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Dishwasher | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Air Conditioner | 7 – 10 years | Sanitisation (Mould Removal) – Annually, Repair / Replace as needed |
Garage Motor | 7 – 10 years | Service – Annually (Warranty Requirement), Repair / Replace as needed |
Light Fittings | 7 – 10 years | Repair / Replace as needed |
Please Note: the above information is dependant on the quality of item, the general maintenance and use. Life expectancy and maintenance requirements are subject to change based on the needs of the item and general use.